Research Question
What do NUS students think about green campus?
Research Background
Green campus is an idea come from green building, as you may notice that currently Singapore has a trend to develop green buildings in residential housings, commercial buildings as well as industrial factories. (eg. Terminal 3, National Library, Republic Polytechnic etc. )
Building and Construction Authority (BCA) of Singapore has launched a rating system in 2005 to evaluate a building for its environmental impact and performance, namely BCA Green Mark.

I would like to introduce this green campus concept to NUS for our group to research. There are many ideas and principles that we can apply to our campus and make NUS an energy efficient and water efficient campus. We can raise the awareness among students and staffs in NUS to reuse, recycle and reduce our resources used in order to minimize the impacts to our environment.
It is much easier to start implanting the green concepts to our potential youths in the campus as this is the place where each of us are intensely learning and growing. Green campus is an important concept to let us know the impacts that we will bring to our environment and hence boost the personal responsibility on our own behaviors.
Possible Ideas To Be Implemented
1) Solar Hot Water System For In-Campus Hostels
2) Solar Cell For Electrical Generation
3) Recycling Programme
4) Provision For Use Of NEWater
5) Waterless Urinal
6) Energy Efficient Lighting
7) Sky Garden
8) Sun Shading Features
** click at the picture to get a better view of it
Reason For Bring Up This Research Topic
To introduce green campus concept in NUS, we have to know that it will not only bring us environmental benefits, but also economic benefits and social benefits. One of the reasons that our tuition fees and hostel fees are on the rise is because the scarcity of resources in Singapore as well as in order countries, we pay more for the same amount of resources we used last time.
Reason For Attitudinal Survey
An attitudinal survey is necessary for this research topic as it involves not only students in NUS, but also lecturers and staffs. A green campus can only be achieved by the efforts of all of us in NUS. It helps to raise the awareness of green campus in NUS and promote the sense of responsibility among us.
Building and Construction Authority of Singapore (
Hi Jacky, I don't see the research question that you are planning to go into. Maybe "Determine if green campus, along with the several ideas that you suggested, is viable when applied to NUS". Interesting concept, first time I'm seeing it. Thanks for the insight. I feel this topic is a very fresh idea and NUS students would welcome the study and survey. It would need a huge revamp of the campus to implement things like solar hot water system, waterless urinal, solar cells and the like though. Hehe.
This is an interesting group of topics. (I can't determine which specific one you are most interested in.) Also, as Zhiyi points out, you need a specific research question. For a clearer post for this particular assignment, look at Danielle's.
Hello Jacky!
Thanks for the post. I have to agree with Zhiyi on the fresh-ness of the concept (at least to me :-).
However, I do think that the research topic seems to be a little unclear. There are many proposals for improvement, but maybe you could state it to improve the overall clarity of your post.
Another point I would like to bring up is: would implementing all the systems that you have listed give an overall decrease in cost, and possibly be associated with a reduction in school fees? IMHO, it might not be the case, because some of the technologies are still in their infancies, i.e. the usage of solar panels. Hence, the opposite might happen: in the name of environmental conservation, we might need to fork out more money instead.
On a side note, I love the Green Building concept which you posted. It really caught my attention!
Thats all I have got. See you in class on Monday!
salam hangat,
Hi Jacky !!!
I like the implementation of the green concept into NUS Campus where there are sky gardens, more trees and solar hot water system.
Truly gearing NUS into a environmentally friendly campus both the "inside and outside".
However, I do agree with Desmond that such a large scale of effort would increase costs and will that in the long run be offset ? Students may need to pay more money in the school fees in order to get the desired effect which you propose.
Maybe you could suggest small scale measures like planting trees and own faculty gardens by students themselves (:
I like the concept of green buildings in campus that you proposed. However, the others brought up a valid issue in cost. Would it be feasible to totally revamp the current buildings to reflect the green theme and whether the technology to be used is readily available?
Hi Jacky! Like what many others have said before me, the cost of revamping the NUS campus into a green one may not be a 'green' decision in itself. But maybe the focus of your project topic can be shifted from NUS students and NUS, to future university campuses or future buildings in general? From what I've read, your green suggestions (eg. solar powered heaters, sky gardens etc) can also be applicable to all buildings in general.
I'm not sure if your group has decided to choose this topic, but if Singapore really use this 'green' concept in future industralization plans, we would really be a 'green' country. (ops, forgot you're from malaysia =X)
Hey man!
After much deliberation, we decided to adopt your idea after all! Hmmpf! So sad that my green disco can't really work out after all.
Actually your topic is also quite interesting and is almost similar to mine, just that mine is a disco club and yours is a campus! That's why it's one of the reasons why I don't mind using your idea instead.. Hah.. You should be glad.
However, your idea maybe too far-fetched and idealistic in the sense that it maybe too costly to set up a green campus in contrary to what you have said. Guess my only complaint is what the rest have already mentioned. COST.
Nevertheless, we still can work on it and come out with a better alternative. Come to think of it, setting up a green campus maybe costly in the short-run but it's going to bring about long term beneficial results. =) We can install the technological systems bit by bit so it won't be that expensive? Oh well, we'll just have to do the research and hopefully come out with a good solution.
By the way, your general research question is kind of vague. Maybe you can narrow it down and be more specific.
Ok, let's wish ourselves well on our project! And hopefully everything will turn out fine in the end! Whee!
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